SW Merchant Services Group offers comprehensive PIN-based, PIN-less, and signature-based debit card processing. By allowing debit card customers to use their bank ATM cards and check cards to pay for goods and services, the transactions that are ran with these cards allow for the card holder to immediately pay for the item instead of paying the amount at a another time like a credit card.

What is PIN-based, PIN-less, and signature-based debit?

  PIN-based transactions occur at the point of sale and are defined by the entry of a PIN (Personal Identification Number) by the cardholder. Also referred to as online debit.

  PIN-less debit transactions are conducted without the cardholder present and are generally used only in processing environments with recurring transactions, such as utilities or other bill payments.

  Signature debit, also referred to as offline debit, is the use of a check card issued by a bank. During the transaction, the cardholder can elect to use the card as Debit (PIN-based) or Credit (Signature-based).